marți, 7 august 2007

Asociatia culturala ''Orizont Cultural T''


Ca asociatie culturala de specialitate, are urmatoarele atributii principale:

-promoveaza valorile naturale si culturale, regionale, nationale in rindul copiilor, elevilor, tinerilor, adultilor, cetatenilor de orice virsta, de orice profesie, fara nici o discriminare, a oamenilor educati sau mai putin educati, din medii urbane si rurale, locale, regionale, nationale, internationale;
-desfasoara activitati culturale, de interes general, comunitar pentru membrii sai in raporturile cu institutiile dei cultura, autoritatiile locale, regionale, nationale precum si organizatiile internationale.;
-constientizeaza prin activitati, importantei mostenirii culturale si naturale ca un referent cultural si de identitate.
- organizeaza sesiuni, simpozioane, consfatuiri, colocvii si alte actiuni cu caracter stiintific si metodologic;-coordoneaza actiuni de promovare a valorilor mostenirii naturale, culturale, locale, regionale, nationale, internationale.

4 comentarii:

Miala Rodica spunea...

BRIEF DESCRIPTION- Strengthening multicultural dialog, promoting diversity of European cultural heritage in education’’, increase of the self-esteem of certain populations with social or economical difficulties could be the main added value contributed by project and, at the same time, the achievement of knowledge about other partners’ regions and the cultural links among all of us. This assertion can be applied to all the targets populations but it is especially remarkable in the European border population where the groups of marginal populations think they are leaving in a very poor and devaluated “European” town. We intent once the contacts between these groups and the local heritage reality takes place, the people start to be conscious that they are leaving in a singular European locality that possesses a peculiar cultural heritage.

Taking into account all of this, plus a real concept of belonging to the European culture, make the increase of self-esteem a very interesting added value of the project, in potentially risky societies represented by the mixture of cultures, migrants, gypsies, or deprived sectors. Nowadays, the mixture of civilizations is a relatively recent phenomenon, well spread along the whole Europe. This self-esteem is the first step in the construction of the European identity of the deprived sectors living at the European countries but also of those groups with problems to recognize their own identity

IMPACT- For adults, learners, access to information, rise opportunities to carry out research in fields such as income distribution and welfare, income and poverty dynamics, panel data methodology, values and attitudes, gender, ethnic and social inequality, unemployment and labor supply behavior, education and training, social protection.
We are in contact with the Educational authorities about the possibility of gathering different type, to group them, to motivate and implicate persons with low level making them active, to make a contribution in rising the level of adults in the benefit of community,

Miala Rodica spunea...

Art. 2 The purpose of the “Cultural Horizon T”

As a cultural expertise association, the partnership will have the following function:
promoting the natural and cultural horizons, regional, national, among the children, teenagers, adults, every age and every profession citizens, with no discrimination, as well as among educated or less educated people, either form urban or rural environment, local, regional, national or international, promoting in the context of a new opening towards a new European dimension, through partnership programs, in the frame of financing programs, communitarian programs launched on a regional, national, European and international scale, LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME
- preserving the natural, cultural, local, regional and national heritage
- promoting the cultural values of the natural heritage, using magazines, leaflets, posters, books, cultural calendars, cultural dictionaries
- making people aware of the importance of knowing and preserving the cultural heritage, using articles, organizing and / or participating in meetings, workshops, conferences, symposiums, and other actions of this kind, at local, national and international level
- establishing communication between the culture of various nations, starting with the definition of the InterCultural Heritage
- identifying the preserving problems of the natural and cultural heritage
- understanding the importance of the respect towards the cultural diversity of Europe and the cultural enrichment of a varied Europe
- detecting the value and the importance that the European attribute to the Cultural and Natural Heritage in the context of the globalization
- activities which include involving the European citizens in protecting and preserving the Cultural and Natural Heritage
- making the European society aware of the importance of the environment problems and the necessity of new strategies for an urgent development
- designing motivational, international activities, bringing closer to education, in the frame of the adult’s cultural values, of the more or less educated people, using cultural involving activities
- promoting the respect towards the earned heritage, by saving the nature activities, saving the monuments, the sites with great historical value
- detecting the endangered sites activities
- acquiring a citizen’s education with the purpose of protecting the environment, reducing pollution and intended or unintended vandalism
- making the teenagers and the adults aware of the importance of the fauna, flora and animal conservation of the endangered species
- preserving the historical “testimonies” and the archaeological findings
- actions regarding the preservation of the waters, springs, seas, oceans, fighting against pollution
- awakening the respect towards customs, folklore traditions, traditional handicrafts, ceramics, pottery, seaming, woodcraft, painting on the glass, manufacturing traditional musical instruments
- making people sensitive to the local values, born or cultivated talents and encouraging them
- elaborating and realizing programmer meant to stimulate the popular creativity, the traditional artistically-cultural manifestations, the amateur’s art
- realizing permanent educational programmer in partnership with special national and international institutions
- designing and carrying on cultural-scientifically and artistically programmes, in cooperation with other national and international institutions in order to protect the traditional cultural environment
- establishing and developing the data base and the representative values of the contemporary popular creation and the immaterial national cultural heritage, a national and international database, comprising imagistic archive, taking into consideration the providing of special services – unitary indexation, disseminating the information regarding traditional culture and permanent education and the capitalization of these domains
- initiating and realizing programmes and specific actions meant to sustain and establish the tradition authentic popular creation performers
- organizing shows, exhibitions, galas, trips and workshops, saloons, markets, literary circles and other cultural manifestations at national and international level, from the traditional domain and amateur’s art
- designing cultural tourism programs and collaborating with institutions/organizations/agencies, specialized in promoting the national cultural values, contributing to the development of the tourism with a cultural purpose
- organizing cultural exchanges, artistically tours, documentary visits and commission exchange, perfection probations, etc, and assuring the participation to projects and cultural exchanges (national and international)
- making up contemporary art collections, specialized libraries, databases, photo, video, audio, CD-ROM archives
- editing and broadcasting specialized movies on any kind of support
- editing, on any kind of support, and broadcasting different stuff about education, for the cultural public institutions, elaborating studies, monographies, anthologies, albums, repertory and methodology works, periodical publications, publicitary materials, audio cassettes, video cassettes, CDs, etc
- organizing perfecting and preparation courses for the performers and instructors of artistically teams, concerning the continuity of the identity values of the national specific, as well as initiating courses designed for the knowledge of these values by people and groups interested, from the country or abroad.

Miala Rodica spunea...

2008 is European Year of Intercultural Dialog!
Together we are stronger learning to live together under the same sky, giving Europe a soul!

Miala Rodica spunea...

New projects, Orizont Cultural T,are running,
GRU-09-GIVE-5-DJ-PT- ''The Voice of European Seniors''
GRU-09- P-LP-121-DJ-CY ''Audiovisual Languages in Social Inclusion Programmes for Disadvantaged Young Adults''.
GRU-10-P-LP-57-DJ-TR - Mainstream of Integrating Adults through -Soul of the Music Energy"
Comenius –Regio- 10-PR-02-DJ-PT,RO, Mainstream EU Subjects into School Curricula’s in Lousada and Craiova